Thursday, May 17, 2012

Super Teachers

        There are several breeds of heroes that are said to dwell within our society. Some may think of these people as firefighters, or policemen. But there is a group of individuals that stand much braver and more heroic then the rest, and these people are teachers. Policemen may get into gun fights, but teachers get into verbal arguments! Firefighters run into burning buildings fuelled by the dead, but teachers walk into noisy classrooms! So what if policemen have to work shifts early into the morning, teachers have to get two months off at summer just to recuperate! And as for teachers wages? They should be making six figures for all the stress their job entitles. Between working from seven till four at the latest, some teachers even have to teach for three blocks of the day. It's a wonder how they can withstand such dismal work hours throughout the year, they're simply super heroes! For no mere mortal could handle getting so much time off. Teachers need to make a stand, they're simply not be rewarded enough for their workload. All teachers need to conform together and try something they've never even considered doing. Something they need to use as a final stand, for taking the high road only gets you so far. Effective immediately all teachers need to go on strike!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Normally, he goes clean-shaven into the world,
 but today he was

                   Financially ruined, the man had to sell his house.

     He said goodbye to the twice-cut yards and hundred-year old oaks.  
                             He now looked for a new place to call his own.
   C r a c k e d  sidewalks with ridges of stiff grass, lined the gloomy neighborhood.

      The yards [were] all proscribed by stiff picket fences. 
                                                                   The neighbors, seemingly
                                                                                                         criminals.                         Had their jackets                                                                                                                                [gleaming] with *studs..*

Onward-----> he drove on a Saturday liquid with sunshine, oh how it mocked him.

narrow lanes adrift with yellow leaves greeted him left and right.

His car eased up against the side of a dusty curb, hopelessly he observed a ten-foot wire fence, paper [clogged] the fence like dri f  t  e d snow; the fence [enclosed] a playground....
this was no place to raise his children.

Bravely the man did up the metal buttons on his jacket, he then stepped outside of his                 battered vehicle.

The blue glow of television sets [lit] up the windows of the houses he so..
regretfully inspected.

 Out of a house three men and a girl [advanced] on him [pistols] in hand.
                                                          He attempted to SCREAM, but it was too late.........

Shocked and sweaty the man awoke from his slumber. 

He had fallen asleep at the wheel of his...    car.

He is overtaken by sudden GUILT, he has left no message for his wife. 

So intent is he upon his return home, he dangerously ignores a sight of pure horror,

concealed in the shadows of a side street, something crept nose out and [followed] him home.