Monday, September 20, 2010

This paragraph is as boring as watching paint dry

After Mrs. Mitty came out of the drugstore, they climbed into their automobile. Walter fastened his seat belt, watched his wife turn on the windscreen wipers and carefully watched her pull away from the curb. The car drove down the road as slowly as a snail. Walter Mitty sighed in the passenger seat as his wife babbled on like a baboon. He rolled his head off to one side it felt heavy like a rock, the day was miserable it was raining cats and dogs.
Suddenly there was a roar of an engine loud like a lion. Walter felt himself lift off the ground he was flying like a bird. His plane kicked like a horse but Walter grasped the reigns firmly. His squad flew precise like an arrow preparing to engage German fighters. The wind howled like wolves just outside Walters cabin, he knew this was suicide but he flew on. Suddenly he made out in the distance a German fighter. His heart started to pound like a drum. None of Walters training prepared him for a moment such as this. Gun fire lit up the stillness of the night like fireworks on the fourth of July. His men were dropping left and right like flies, leaving only Walter trembling in his seat. Only two fighters were left on each respected side, a battle to the end. Walter meandered swiftly and cunningly like a fox. Locking in the German fighter in his cross hairs. He flipped a few switches and engaged the enemy. A loud bang echoed through the air like booming thunder but not coming from where one might of thought.